Tino Vo 3D Gelly, Sage 5 Grams

Tino Vo 3D Gelly, Sage 5 Grams
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Regular Price: $9.99
Sale Price: $5.00
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"I'm always extremely pleased with the service and quality of products from Dreamtime Creations!"
Judy J.
Guaranteed to ship on Monday, February 24.
Color Sage
Size 5 grams
Now comes in Colors!!! 3D Gelly is a medium to thick builder gel. Perfect consistency for any emboss design and ombré effect. This gel eliminates all under-curing issues that most gels have if you apply too thick. This gel through the thick application will cure solid like a rock, which is perfect for building 3D designs like sweater patterns or encapsulated designs like milk bath!!!

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